Certificate in Theological Studies

持续进修学院目前正进行重组,以更好地服务学生和社会. 这个项目现在是旧金山神学院神学研究生院的一部分. During this transitional phase, 我们致力于确保您的所有询问和关切得到及时解决.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at info-scs@mblayst.com for any questions, assistance, or clarifications you may need. 在我们努力提高课程和服务质量的过程中,我们感谢您的耐心和理解.




Our Certificate in Theological Studies (C.T.S.) fosters development of theological understanding as part of educational, professional, and spiritual growth. 该课程提供了神学教育的一个很好的概述,可以在一到两年内完成.  我们相信对神学观点的理解能培养同情心和沟通能力 这对于改善个人和职业生活中的人际关系和沟通至关重要.

Flexibility online or on campus

  • 100% online, on-campus, or both
  • 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time
  • 历史、圣经研究和系统神学的基础课程
  • Academic credits can be transferred to our master’s degrees


Program Overview

Four 3-unit courses for 12 credits total. Credits can be transferred to our master's degrees (M.A.T.S. or M.Div.) if you would like to deepen your studies, broaden your electives, explore Chaplaincy, or become interested in other forms of ministry. 学分的转移取决于成功进入学位课程. Application required. Please peruse our Admission Requirements.

学生从教会历史、圣经研究和系统神学中选择四门课程. 为了在一年内完成你的证书,你可以在每学期选择两门课程. 为了在两年内完成你的证书,你可以在每学期选择一门课程.


Fall 2023 Courses and Descriptions


Introduction to Old Testament/Hebrew Bible

OT-1070 (on-campus) or OT-8107 (online)
Rev. Jon Berquist, Ph.D.

本课程提供对旧约/希伯来圣经的重要介绍. 学生将学习旧约/HB的古代近东背景和古代以色列的历史. This semester, we will investigate the processes from original, oral transmission of prose and poetry to the formation of canonical books. 我们也将在文本中询问不同的传统(神学)流.

History of Christianity I

HS-1080 (on-campus) or HS-8010 (online)
Christopher Ocker, Ph.D.

本课程介绍了从第二世纪到十七世纪的基督教历史和历史神学. 我们将向你介绍基督教经历和信仰在全球不同时间和地点的连续性和多样性,以及基督教社会的复杂性, cultural, and political entanglements in these contexts. You will be exposed to the politics, ideas, and actions that gave rise to Protestantism, and the intimate relationship of Protestant and Catholic reforms. 本课程将鼓励你将在过去的研究中发展起来的关键技能和才能应用到宗教生活的情境中, leadership, and service today.


Spring 2024 Courses and Descriptions


Systematic Theology I

ST-1084 (on-campus) or ST-8108 (online)
Rev. Gregory Love, Ph.D.

The first semester of a two-semester introduction to Christian theology. Beginning with the meaning of religious faith, 我们进入神圣启示与圣经权威之间关系的方法问题, human reason and experience. From there, we investigate the meaning of God using ancient and contemporary Trinitarian theology; Reformed theologian John Calvin, feminist theologian Elizabeth Johnson, and Latin American theologian Gustavo Gutierrez. 最后,我们对创造和上帝与人类苦难的关系有不同的理解. Three exams (with option of substituting papers for exams). [Auditors with faculty permission] 


History of Christianity II

HS-1081 (on-campus) or HS-8181 (online)
Christopher Ocker, Ph.D.

这门课程介绍了从16世纪到现在的基督教历史. During this time, Christianity became the largest religion in the world. Along the way, it was transformed again and again as it adapted to vastly different, changing cultural, social, and political environments. 主题将包括基督教会在欧洲殖民主义中的作用, 不断扩大的全球文化网络对宗教知识的影响, cultural hybridization; Christianity and the rise of nation-states; the conflict of religion and science; the role of Christianity in slavery and in anti-slavery, suffrage, fascist, and labor movements; the rise and fall of American denominations; and the competition of orthodox and pluralistic theologies. Lectures, readings in primary sources, discussions. Midterm and final examinations (term papers may be substituted).


Fall 2024 Courses and Descriptions


Introduction to New Testament: Pauline Epistles

NT-1001 (on-campus) or NT-8105 (online)
Rev. Eugene Park, Ph.D.

This course is an introduction to the life, work, 和保罗的神学,这些都反映在他在新约里的七封无可争议的书信中,以及在新约内外的其他相关文献中. 本课程将讨论保罗的生活/工作,并按时间顺序调查他的信件. 我们将特别注意每封信的特定历史环境和神学问题. The primary mode of inquiry in this course is historical-critical, 但释经学的问题,也将提出有关应用保罗的神学,以当前的神学问题.

Systematic Theology II

ST-1084 (on-campus) or ST-8108 (online)
Rev. Dr. Greg Love

This course is one of two introductory courses to Christian theology. 其目的是帮助学生获得普世教会神学的基本知识, 尤其是在改革宗传统中,在与女权主义和其他当代神学的对话中,这些主题被理解. Beginning with the doctrine of humanity, 它把原本的良善和我们堕落到罪的相关形式看作骄傲, despair and denial. 然后,它从不同的角度来看耶稣基督的位格和工作. 它也深刻地审视了我们“唯独因信蒙恩得救”的意义," and the roles of divine and human Spirit in bringing about healing. The course concludes with the nature of the Christian spiritual life, including sanctification and vocation, the church and its mission in the world and sacraments.


Spring 2025 Courses and Descriptions


Introduction to New Testament (Gospels)

NT-1014 (on-campus) or NT-8114 (online)
Rev. Eugene Park, Ph.D.

本课程主要介绍早期基督教文学中的正典和伪经福音书和使徒行传. 首先介绍当前福音学术的主要方法论问题. Then, 福音书和使徒行传的每一段经文都会根据其文学特征来解释, historical background and theological ideas. 在整个课程中,圣经的批判性解释的解释学含义将被提出和讨论.


Kay Thomas
Assistant Director of Enrollment
University of Redlands
909.748.6350 office