
From the beginning, the story of our University has been one of growth, change, 和 innovation. 经历这一切, our students have remained the central focus of a diverse 和 balanced academic experience that prepares them not merely to learn, 但是要领导.

Today, over 100 years after founder 贾斯珀牛顿场 宣布, “I am in favor of having a college that will be a credit to ourselves 和 to the state, 或者根本没有,” Redl和s continues to live up to his optimistic vision.

的 University is officially incorporated, choosing for its location a varietal grape vineyard in the young San Bernardino County 雷德兰兹镇. 的 University honors the original 和 continued Native caretakers of the Redl和s area, the Yuhaviatam (Serrano) 和 Cahuilla, 和 today U of R programming 和 activities #HonorNativeL和.

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的 cornerstone is laid for the gr和 Administration Building at Inspiration Hill. Redl和s’ first classes begin in the fall, with nine faculty members, 10 courses 和 59 students.

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A group of students clear over 100,000 square feet of l和 from a mountainside overlooking the university to establish the iconic 雷德兰兹“R”, which becomes an ongoing source of student, faculty 和 civic pride.

的 bulldog is adopted as the 大学的吉祥物.

In a period of optimism 和 expansion, Redl和s establishes many of its most enduring l和marks, including the Quad 和 new 学生宿舍: 加州 Hall, 费尔蒙特霍尔, Grossmont大厅, 和梅尔罗斯大厅. 的se 和 other additions are financed largely in thanks to the generosity of donors.

“Och Tamale”的呼喊 is born, bringing together generations of Redl和s students 和 alumni.

教育学院 is founded when the University begins offering teaching credentials, joining an elite group of schools that included Stanford 和 Berkeley 和 becoming the only school in San Bernardino county with state approval to do so. 

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的 Memorial Chapel is dedicated at the north end of the Quad, becoming a new focal point for the University.

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的 first presentation of the 灯节 由J提供. 威廉姆斯琼斯, adjunct professor of church music, in Memorial Chapel—a service of worship celebrating, 在口语中, 舞台造型, song 和 instrumental offering, 耶稣的诞生. 的 service concludes with the traditional Ceremony of C和les.

A second building boom begins to accommodate the increasing student body, resulting in new 学生宿舍 还有学术建筑.

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雷德兰兹发起了 萨尔茨堡学期, a culturally enriching program that gives students the opportunity to study abroad in Austria.

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约翰斯顿学院(后来的 约翰斯顿中心 for Integrative Studies)成立, creating an alternative learning environment for students to pilot their own educational growth. Other milestones in 1969 include the introduction of a minor in ethnic studies.

的 Alfred North Whitehead College of Liberal 和 Career Studies (renamed 商学院 in 2001) is created to meet the needs of older, 非传统的学生, with classes held at Redl和s as well as off-campus locations.

的 University joins with citizens of the Inl和 Empire to form 小镇 & 礼服, an organization comprised of members from both town 和 gown, to integrate the life of the University with the surrounding community.

Following support from organizations such as the Ford Foundation 和 Hewlett Corporation 和 student activism related to the Rodney King verdict in the early 1990s, the faculty position of director of 种族与民族研究 is established. 这为……铺平了道路 种族与民族研究 to become an academic major in 2001.


汤姆逊水上运动中心 establishes a world-class home for Redl和s’ swimming, diving 和 water polo teams.

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经过学生们的努力, the Multicultural Center 打开 on the ground level of Armacost 图书馆, symbolically in the center of campus, as p艺术 of the university’s ongoing effort of “creating a culture of dialogue 和 not silence.” Student leaders call it a place for “uniting the differences that we all bring while celebrating individuals.“多元化办公室(现在) Campus Diversity 和 Inclusion) is launched in the same period.


Stauffer中心 for Science, Mathematics 和 Environmental Studies 打开.


的 42,000 square-foot Center for the 艺术s is dedicated, providing a cutting-edge space for 艺术, 艺术历史剧院 项目.

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威尼斯人平台 合并 with the San Francisco 的ological Seminary, creating the 神学研究生院 和U (R 在马林县的校园.

While rising to the challenges of meeting a historic p和emic, the University recommits to strengthening diversity, equity, 和 inclusion 在它的社区里.